EP14: Bunny Yan of The Squirrelz

Published: Sept. 3, 2015, 2:33 a.m.

In this episode we are joined by Bunny Yan, CEO and co-founder of The Squirrelz.

The Squirrelz began as a retail shop in Shanghai in 2013, selling a variety of uber-creative ‘up-cycled’ goods (meaning they were made with materials that otherwise may have been destined for the land-fill). In early 2015, The Squirrelz decided that to really have an impact on the huge amount of unwanted or wasted materials being pumped-out on a daily basis by factories, they had to scale.

Enter Chinaccelerator. Bunny and the team at The Squirrelz applied for the popular accelerator program in Shanghai and were accepted! They spent the next three months figuring out how to take their philosophy and process of making and selling up-cycled products and bring it to the rest of the world!

Since ‘Pitch Day’, The Squirrelz have been busy growing their team, attracting investors and a million other things startups must do to keep the momentum going.

This is an extremely important period in the life of any startup, which many entrepreneurs will encounter at some point, so I thought it would be interesting to have Bunny join me to discuss what life is like once the training wheels come off, and how she and the rest of the team are coping with the steep learning curve and myriad challenges that emerge at this time.

Bunny is a live one, so the kid’s may need their earmuffs in a few partsJ



Learn more about The Squirrelz at, https://thesquirrelz.com



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WECHAT: TheHungryFoolish

YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4v9ftNF2AFDAOze0uhNrzw