Magento vs. WooCommerce. What Platform to Choose in 2021?

Published: March 5, 2021, 2 p.m.

Today we’ll talk about the challenge of ecommerce platform selection and will look deeply into the Magento VS WooCommerce battle as a distillation of the dedicated article

Batman or Superman? Iron Man or Captain America? Blair or Serena? I bet you have some favs among these long-time competitors. 

But what about Magento vs. WooCommerce? If you own an ecommerce business or are about to build it, you must have heard of them. Both ecommerce platforms are popular workable solutions, but how can one choose rightly between the two? 

We have been working with both ecommerce technologies long enough and can help you out. If you are equipped with all the relevant, up-to-date info, you'll know for sure which ecommerce solution is the one for your business. Let's start with diving into Magento features!

Both ecommerce platforms work well for numerous domains. Here is a comparison of some basic aspects to bear in mind. 

We`ll start with Themes factor: 

Magento and WooCommerce offer free and paid themes for various purposes: customer support, accounting, site optimization, etc. 
With WooCommerce, there is a chance you'll be able to install the extension yourself. As to Magento, you'll need Magento development services. 
However, despite the extra time and money, Magento website additions are more cutting edge, so your ecommerce store will be more powerful. Here we definitely give credit to Magento. 

More or less clear, right? And what about their support service? 

In this match, Magento vs. WooCommerce, we'll call it a draw. Being open-source, the platforms have huge active communities ready to look into any problem you may face. 

Now, here we came to the Pricing factor

As we already discussed, Magento's and WooCommerce's code is out there available to be adjusted according to your needs. WooCommerce is easier for beginners, but you may end up paying a fair amount for any extra feature you'd like. 

Magento is more suited for ecommerce businesses, which means that its basic functionality can be sufficient for you. But there is a hosting plan you'll have to purchase. Depending on your ecommerce website specifics, you'll have a monthly hosting package to maintain.  

Summing up the Magento vs. WooCommerce comparison, it's safe to say that each has its strengths and weaknesses. WooCommerce is claimed to be more user-friendly and more comfortable to start with, while Magento is more powerful and well-known for its extensions. All of us know that selecting the appropriate tech stack is crucial. But it's not the thing we recommend as a starting point. First, you should elaborate on your business goals and requirements, realize your company needs and define your target audience. The more specific you are, the better we'll know which ecommerce solution will fit best. 

That’s all from us for now. For a detailed version, you are welcome to check the dedicated article.

Until next time! Bye!