4.8 Cognitive Dissonance Part 1

Published: Jan. 26, 2021, 7 a.m.

b'We know that Marsha was a smart, tenacious, loyal woman who\\u2019d learned early in life to have faith that God would meet her needs and she could work through problems herself.

It is her faith in particular that leads me to follow a new line of academic research today, Cognitive Dissonance, and discuss how it can impact someone in a domestic violence situation.
There\'s a much larger body of research about Cognitive Dissonance, so I expanded the episode to outline the theory and explain how it intersects with family violence. Next week, we\'ll dig into Marsha\'s blogs and take a look at how she dealt with the cognitive dissonance that she was facing in her life, as well as what we\'ve learned about her from friends and family.

If you don\'t want to hear about the theory and early research studies, you may forward to 18:33 to when we discuss how it intersects with domestic violence.

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Resources in the US: \\xa0

Need\\xa0help? In the United States call 800.656.HOPE (4673) to be connected with a trained staff member from a sexual assault service provider in your\\xa0area.


Resources in Australia:\\xa0

The Allison Baden-Clay Foundation has an excellent list of many resources available


Resources in the UK:

Paladin: National Stalking Advocacy Service,
