4.1 Intro to Season 4: I Remember Marsha

Published: Dec. 1, 2020, 7 a.m.

b'Imagine that you suddenly went missing. How long would it take for someone to report it to the police? Hours? Days? Weeks? Marsha Rader Brantley disappeared from Tennessee in the spring of 2009 but it took more than six months before it was reported. Because the only person close enough to have reported her missing didn\\u2019t do it. Was he a coercively controlling spouse who isolated her from others? Let\'s investigate throughout this season with new interviews and perspectives.

Thank you to Andie Elizabeth for reading Marsha\'s Blog. Andie was a Vocal Performance and Communication Advertising major from the college where Marsha Brantley once worked. I think Marsha would have approved. Check out her vocal work on her website https://andieelizabeth.com

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Resources in the US: \\xa0

Need\\xa0help? In the United States call 800.656.HOPE (4673) to be connected with a trained staff member from a sexual assault service provider in your\\xa0area.


Resources in Australia:\\xa0

The Allison Baden-Clay Foundation has an excellent list of many resources available


Resources in the UK:

Paladin: National Stalking Advocacy Service,
