The Question of Citizenship & The Issue of Reparations

Published: June 26, 2019, 11 p.m.

Opponents of the effort to add a citizenship question to the 2020 census asked the Supreme Court not to rule against them before new allegations of a political motive can be reviewed. Lawyers for the New York Immigration Coalition claim to have recovered information from the files of a deceased Republican expert on redistricting that shows the Trump administration's motive was to reduce the voting power of Hispanics. Administration officials have testified that they sought the citizenship question, not for that reason but to protect minority voters under provisions of the Voting Rights Act. Dr. John C. Eastman, Professor of Law & constitutional law scholar at Chapman University School of Law, will join me to discuss the latest on the citizenship question. Later, “The Coolest, Most Politically Incorrect, Conservative Black Man on the Planet”, Rod Eccles will join me to continue the discussion on the citizenship question and the issue of reparations for descendants of slaves. Don't forget about the Edwards Notebook and the Veteran's Tip of the Day! All of this and more as time allows. Listen live, join the chatroom, be a part of the show. 

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