Susan B. Anthony Is Racist & You Are Not Enough ... and That's Okay

Published: Aug. 18, 2020, 11 p.m.

Leading suffragette Susan B. Anthony received a post-mortem pardon from President Donald Trump on Tuesday to mark the 100th anniversary of the passage of the 19th Amendment, giving women the vote — a cause Anthony, of course, devoted her life to. So guess what happened at the New York Times. A self-proclaimed witch has been charged for allegedly lying to federal officers trying to find a missing Georgia mom. Just when you thought you were safe from Lena Dunham stories, I have one that if you missed it, you'll most likely be mad at me for sharing. North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un has reportedly ordered the confiscation of pet dogs in the country’s capital city of Pyongyang. If you're a dog lover, don't listen to this story.

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