Political Assassination Disguised as Justice

Published: June 15, 2018, 11 p.m.

Tommy Robinson has been transferred to Onley Prison. Why does that matter you might ask, well ... Onley currently houses a 71% Muslim majority population of inmates. This seems an intentional effort by the UK "justice" system inflict the death penalty by expecting the other inmates to perform the execution. Kel Fritzi will join me to discuss the situation plus an update from post G7 Trudeau Canada. From the Kim Summit to G7 to ISIS; according to two high-ranking aides to President Trump the administration's foreign policy can be summed up in three bombastic words, "We're America, Bitch,". Dan Perkins will join me to talk about it. In Ireland, now that abortion is legal the government seems to believe that it should be mandatory. Don't forget about the Edwards Notebook and the Veteran's Tip of the Day! All of this and more as time allows. Listen live, join the chatroom, be a part of the show.