Not "Everything" From A to Z After All

Published: April 12, 2020, 7 p.m.

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez claimed in an interview last week about the coronavirus that “environmental racism” was a “pre-existing condition.”  When a Christian church in Louisville, Kentucky, was told they were not allowed to attend Easter Sunday church service in their vehicles, the group sued the liberal mayor giving the order, and the city. A federal judge ruled Saturday that the church was right about their religious liberties being violated, permitted the establishment to hold drive-up service, and offered a firm rebuke of the mayor for attempting to “criminalize” the “celebration of Easter.” Amazon, the online superstore, has its hands full supplying goods to a quarantined nation while protecting employees from COVID-19. The behemoth still appears to have found the time to yank a documentary - Hoaxed - title off its service. This and more as time allows, plus don't forget about the Edwards Notebook and the Veteran's Tip of the Day!