In Lies We Trust and the Debate

Published: Sept. 29, 2016, midnight

So, on Monday we had the first Presidential debate between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton.  Today we'll take a look back at the debate. At the top of the show I'm scheduled to be joined by Ken Crow, the founder of Crows Nest Politics and the author of Ego in a Tea Bag, and we'll be focused on the debate. Then at the bottom of the first hour I'm scheduled to be joined by Ed Brodow, a former US Marine and veteran member of Screen Actors Guild and author of In Lies We Trust: How Politicians and the Media Are Deceiving the American Public, and we'll discuss the debate, the anti-Trump media and his book.

Ego in a Tea Bag



TWITTER: @edbrodow

In Lies We Trust: How Politicians and the Media Are Deceiving the American Public