Dr. Seuss is Racist And Where Did AOC's Campaign Money Go?

Published: March 6, 2019, 1 a.m.

A study published this month and authored by self-described "critical race scholar-activists" Katie Ishizuka of The Conscious Kid Library and University of California Ph.D. student Ramón Stephens dives into such allegedly problematic and racist facets of Seuss and his work. The study is aptly titled, "The Cat is Out of the Bag: Orientalism, Anti- Blackness, and White Supremacy in Dr. Seuss's Children's Books." Parkfield Community School in Birmingham, England had classes in which a program titled “No Outsiders” taught that “families look different,” in an effort to teach schoolchildren about homosexuality. The program was pulled after the school received a petition last month with over 400 signatures from parents, mostly Muslim, who have withdrawn their children from the school in protest. Saikat Chakrabarti, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's chief of staff, allegedly funneled over $1 million in political donations to his own private companies, according to a new complaint filed with the Federal Election Commission. Don't forget about the Edwards Notebook and the Veteran's Tip of the Day! All of this and more as time allows. Listen live, join the chatroom, be a part of the show.