Did We Learn Anything From the Kavanaugh Confirmation Process?

Published: Oct. 12, 2018, 11 p.m.

After the Kavanaugh confirmation process was turned into a national embarrassment the question has arisen, “Should false accusers be investigated and even prosecuted?”. I will be joined by Margaret C. Valois, Civil Rights Director at SAVE: Stop Abusive and Violent Environments, to discuss the issue. The FBI did an additional background investigation into the allegations made against Kavanaugh. Dan Perkins, political contributor to DailyCaller.com, ClashDaily.com, Lifezette.com, Newsmax.com, and TheHill.com, will join me to talk about his take on the matter and what he expects next. Don't forget about the Edwards Notebook and the Veteran's Tip of the Day! All of this and more as time allows. Listen live, join the chatroom, be a part of the show.