Abby Johnson Challenges Alyssa Milano and Kel Fritzi Reports From Canada

Published: April 7, 2019, 7 p.m.

A casting call was recently posted on Backstage, a website for actors and technicians, for a small ensemble play in New York City. Under the "rehearsal" heading, the call stated that white actors cast in the show would participate in a mandatory "anti-racism training" session. And oh yeah, according to the "compensation" heading, the call stated that actors of color would be paid more than white actors. Abby Johnson, former Planned Parenthood executive turned pro-life advocate who wrote the memoir which the pro-life film "Unplanned" is based on, told Alyssa Milano "I’m hoping that [Alyssa Milano] will muster up the courage to go see the ["Unplanned"] movie. If you are willing to advocate for abortion, but unwilling to actually see what you support, then you and your tiny bun really have no relevancy in this conversation.” Kel Fritzi, the host of both RFB radio and IAW part of the Global Patriot Network, will join me to discuss the latest happenings in Canada as part of our “Sunday Afternoon Conversation”.