Published: July 16, 2016, 8 p.m.

b'Skinny Hightower is a smooth jazz pianist who is known for his keen ability to draw influences from other genres of music, claiming that he doesn\'t listen to smooth jazz. \\xa0Nonetheless, the result is a smooth, complex blend some where in between R&B, jazz, and soul. \\xa0Skinny started out playing drums as a young child, later developing an ear for piano, bass and guitar. \\xa0He recorded his first song at nine years old and realized that he\'d found a niche in song writing and recording. \\xa0 As years progressed, Skinny continued recording smooth jazz and has since worked with numerous artists behind the scenes as a producer. \\xa0Skinny Hightower\'s release "Cloud Nine"\\xa0is his first effort, a powerful series of songs that should fit perfectly into anyone\'s smooth jazz collection.\\n\\n\\xa0\\n\\nFollow Skinny Hightower\\xa0on Facebook, Twitter\\xa0and Instagram.'