Sai Lavu on the early Salesforce years and growing a successful Salesforce practice

Published: April 19, 2020, 10:50 p.m.

In today's episode, we're joined by Sai Lavu, one of the original founders of one of the very first Salesforce practices in ANZ, System Partners.

We enjoyed hearing about the early days in the market, what inspired starting the business, and who the early adopters were from an end-customer perspective.

Sai gave us insight into what the talent market looked like a decade ago, and how they went about building their capability and team in such an environment. We spoke about the kind of people that they brought into the business and why, how they scaled, and the challenges they faced. Finally, we touched on some of their many achievements and how the ecosystem has evolved and developed in this region.

Hopefully, you enjoy the snapshot of the history of the ANZ Salesforce market, and make sure you're following Sai on LinkedIn at

Enjoy the listen!