Taking Care of YOU is Taking Care of Your ADHD

Published: Nov. 17, 2020, 1 p.m.

We’re back from The 2020 Virtual International Conference on ADHD and this year, we’re not just back as attendees, but as presenters. The big message of the conference was about taking care of your bod, so we’ve got some takeaways that you can use to get inspired to get moving and not feeling overwhelmed in the process.

The research is in, and has been for some time: moving your body moves the chemicals in your brain and serves as a key anchor in your overall ADHD intervention. This, plus a healthy relationship with sleep and diet, form the foundation to treatment and can impact the way your body reacts to stimulation, medication, and so much more. Conference keynote speaker Dr. John Ratey’s book Spark: The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the Brain offers some exceptional detail for those interested.