What does it take to become an SAP partner?

Published: Sept. 13, 2022, 2 p.m.


SAP Africa COO, Tracy Bolton and LexisNexis CEO and Chairperson of the Board, Videsha Proothveerajh sit down with Chief Market Technologist, Kerushan Govender to discuss the future of South African businesses and partnerships. 

World-class experience | Cutting-edge technology and the application thereof | Proven expertise | Collaboration | A shared vision | The willingness to learn and adapt | Seamless solutions | The facilitation of complex processes | Maximum mutual profitability. 

These are just a few of the ingredients global ERP market leader, SAP, brings to the melting pot. 80% of the world\\u2019s companies can attest to this. Per Tracy, their vision is \\u201cto make the world run better\\u201d and they are achieving this goal, one company at a time.
