SyrupCast Podcast Ep. 196: The unfolding of Samsung?

Published: April 29, 2019, 8:14 p.m.

This week on the SyrupCast, MobileSyrup features editor Igor Bonifacic, managing editor Patrick O'Rourke, and freelance contributors Bryson Masse and Ted Kritsonis, sit down to discuss Samsung's Galaxy Fold and when we can expect to see the smartphone finally hit the market.

The next frontier in smartphone innovation in the next few years is believed to be foldable devices. Samsung is among the first smartphone manufacturers leading that foldable phone charge. The South Korean company was set to release the Galaxy Fold -- the company's first stab at a consumer-facing foldable device -- on April 26th.

But those ambitions were thwarted when media reviewing the device started to encounter issues with the foldable display. The SyrupCast team points out that this is not the first time a Samsung smartphone has faced hardware issues. As a result of this setback, Samsung has indefinitely postponed the smartphone's official release. 

Tune in to hear the SyrupCast team's thoughts.

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Total runtime: 40:45

Igor gives his shoutout to SPQR by Mary Beard. Patrick gives his shoutout to McDonald's. Ted shouts out both the NHL and NBA playoffs. And Bryson shouts out his iPad Pro.