SyrupCast Ep. 167: Low-cost data-only dreams with Laura Tribe

Published: April 27, 2018, 2:59 p.m.

This week on the SyrupCast, features editor Igor Bonifacic is joined by telecom editor Rose Behar, telecom reporter Sameer Chhabra and Laura Tribe, executive director of Open Media, to talk about Rogers, Telus and Bell's proposals for low-cost, data-only plans.

On previous episodes of the Syrupcast, the team has talked about the pending CRTC decision regarding Wi-Fi-first MVNOs. After the CRTC decided to uphold previous rulings against Wi-Fi-first MVNOs, it requested that existing telecoms offer low-cost data plans. The resulting proposals from the Big Three were released this week to much criticism from consumer groups and the public.

Tune in to hear the SyrupCast team's thoughts.

Do you have questions, comments, thoughts, or anything you would like addressed on the podcast? Send us an email to If you're feeling extra adventurous, send us a voice recording of your question or comment and you may end up featured in a future episode!

Total runtime: 36:17
CRTC decision: 1:38
Shoutouts: 31:25

Sameer shouts out the Supreme Court of Canada. Rose gives her shoutout to Broad band: The Untold Story of Women Who Made the Internet. Laura gives a shoutout to the monkey who took a selfie. Finally, Igor shouts out A Gentleman in Moscow.