Swiss German sayings: what they mean (and how to say them!)

Published: Sept. 3, 2019, 5 a.m.


"There\'s enough hay down there now" to "even his chopping block will calve": these are just a few everyday sayings that make perfect sense in Swiss German, but don\'t exactly translate into English. Whether you\'ve heard some of them already, or just want to impress with a sentence or two at the right moment, this is our pick of some useful sayings in Swiss German.

In this episode, we try to explain their meaning and talk about when you can use them. And as always, we have some suggestions and questions from our Facebook group Switzerland for English Speakers - feel free to join the group, get involved in the discussions and maybe even meet some new friends.

Notes on this episode of Swiss and Chips: Your British Guide to Switzerland

G\\xf6schen\\xe4 - Airolo

Chasch n\\xe4t z F\\xfcfi uz Weggli ha

Das macht der Braat\\xe4 on\\xe4t fiis.

D\\xe4m Chalberet no dr Schittschtock

Win\\xe4 kert\\xe4 Hentsch\\xe4

\\xc4s het solangs het

\\xc4s git n\\xfct wos n\\xe4t git

Uf alt\\xe4 Pfan\\xe4 leertm\\xe4 choch\\xe4

Dr schn\\xe4ller isch dr Gschwinder

\\xc4s isch gnueg Heu nitna

Dr gschider git naa u der Esel blibt schtaa
