165. Coming Out of Shame

Published: Dec. 28, 2022, 8 a.m.


Episode 165-Coming Out of Shame

This is my coming out party! I\\u2019ve come out of the shame I lived in for 30 years, but I realize I never celebrated it. So I\\u2019m celebrating by remembering how God brought me out of shame and into the fullness of Christ, how He brought me from death to life.\\xa0

With Jan 1, 2023 closing in, I\\u2019m reminded that it was\\xa0 10 years ago on January 1, 2013 when God tapped me on the shoulder and asked me to write my weight loss memoir. I\\u2019d been on a transformation journey, being thrilled about losing the next pound, and getting down to the next size. I hadn\\u2019t calculated how much I\\u2019d lost from my highest weight of 430 pounds. That\\u2019s when I figured out I had lost 250 pounds!\\xa0

God reminded me that one of the biggest issues I faced back then was shame. Shame followed me everywhere. Others didn\\u2019t have to shame me, I did a really good job of that myself. Shame constantly sat on my shoulder berating me, but in the same voice it also told me to eat whatever I wanted because I deserved it.\\xa0

I was sure God was also ashamed of me. But, He wasn\\u2019t ashamed of me and did not condemn me. He was right there with me in my deep times of despair because I was His. I was in Christ. \\u201cNow there is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus.\\xa0And because you belong to him, the power[\\xa0of the life-giving Spirit has freed you\\xa0from the power of sin that leads to death.\\u201d (Romans 12:1-2 NLT).


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