113. Embrace Hope

Published: Dec. 29, 2021, 8 a.m.


Episode 113-Embrace Hope

I\\u2019m looking towards 2022 with the desire to embrace hope! Last week we talked about some emotions that may have become core issues. These are holding us back from being all in with God. Some of these are hatred, overwhelm, procrastination and exhaustion.\\xa0

Altogether the first letters of these words spell HOPE. And oddly enough so do the first letters of the core truths that we need in order to put these issues to rest and embrace hope.

Hope is not wishful thinking, like I hope I win the lottery!\\xa0 Hope is the secure belief that all God has promised us in this life and beyond will be fulfilled. There is only one place that is secure enough to place our hope and that is in our Heavenly Father.\\xa0

This is the last podcast of 2021 and my special offer for Overcomers Academy ends on Dec. 31.\\xa0


Overcomers Link: https://teresashieldsparker.com/overcomers/
