Survival of the Kindest: Angela Fell - The Function of a Neighbourhood

Published: April 13, 2021, 3:35 p.m.

Transcript available here

This week Julian talks to Angela Fell, who has been at the centre of a huge transformation in her area in Wigan, which has focused on how to stop relying on outside schemes, and instead starting to use the “treasures” of the neighbourhood that they have already. Under Angela’s expertise they have tapped into the spaces, the skills, and the motivation and kindness present in their neighbourhood, to start building it up, and piecing it back together.

Angela has such fantastic insight into how communities work having been involved from the very start of her career, as well as seeing the results of mechanisms and schemes which provided her with extra help in school that many of her classmates were not given. From working with young people Angela’s route to where she is now is fascinating, and she is steeped in fairness and in giving everyone space to develop. From her we can all learn how tiny differences in the way help is given and offered have huge impacts on the way they are received in the community.

Things mentioned in the podcast (in order of appearance)

Angela Fell Twitter

Dibs: In Search of Self

Summerhill School

Forest School Camps

Rekindle School

Radical Help Hilary Cotton

Map of Misery (article explaining what it is)

Camerados Movement 

Maff Potts Talk, Twitter

FlatPack Democracy 

Asset Based Community Development

Fur Clemt Facebook

The Food Pantry

Give it a Grow

My Life Charity

Incredible Edible

Neighbourhood Democracy Movement Website, Twitter

James and the Lemon Drizzle Cake

Angela is introduced by Cormac Russell who can be heard on our podcast here, and found on Twitter

Julian Abel can be found on Twitter

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