What Did We Learn: The Aftermath of a Media Blackout

Published: June 17, 2020, 5 a.m.

b'SHR # 2537 :: What Did We Learn: The Aftermath of a Media Blackout - Dr. Judy Mikovits - In May I did a show with Dr. Judy Mikovits about her new documentary Plandemic. Many people took issue with many of the things Dr. Mikovitz said. The internet exploded upon her taking down post and shows she did in favor for anyone and everyone who would disagree with her. When you see this much of a coordinated effort it should make you wonder why. What was said that was so inflammatory that all media outlets felt the need to quash it? Every day there are dissenting opinions in science that do not elicit this gravity of response. One are where there is little room for disagreement is politics however. Is that what this is all about? Whistle-blowers receive all sorts of protection in the scientific arena. They do not, however, in the world of politics. Are our nations politicians trying to cover up something? We look back at the statements and assertions Dr. Mikovits made and see how right or wrong she was. Hindsight is 20-20.'