Together Apart: Making The Best of the Coronavirus

Published: March 21, 2020, 5 a.m.

b'SHR # 2489 :: Together Apart: Making The Best of the Coronavirus - TLAT Alisa Profumo - We\\u2019re all stressed. We\\u2019re all worried. And now we\\u2019re all quarantined in our individuals homes. 5 days into a 15 day "social distancing" exercise that we hope will lead to our lives normalizing. So many people are already at wits end. Cabin fever is at an all time high. And the not-knowing is making it worse. Some feel that our lives will never be back to normal. And if so, when? July? August? We have to find ways to come together and keep moving forward. And while we wait for our lives to normalize we have to learn how to live TogetherApart.'