SHR # 2278 :: RLRx: HRT and Peptides for Post Surgery Recovery plus Fixing Macular Degeneration ::

Published: Nov. 30, 2018, 5 a.m.

b"SHR # 2278 :: RLRx: HRT and Peptides for Post Surgery Recovery plus Fixing Macular Degeneration :: Adam Lamb - Leslie Burke - People in the know are recovering from various surgeries faster than ever thought possible. And it makes perfect sense. When we're young we recover quickly but as we age recovery and healing slows. If you change the landscape of hormones and growth factors you can re cover like you did when you were younger. PLUS Macular degeneration is on the rise nationwide. And its a horrible disease that slowly robs you of your sight. There is no way to slow or reverse macular degeneration. Or so we thought. ::"