SHR # 2277 :: SFH: Why The Moral Vegan Is A Farce plus AAA Study Reveals More Car Accidents in Mature Driver Due to Polypharmacy ::

Published: Nov. 28, 2018, 5 a.m.

b"SHR # 2277 :: SFH: Why The Moral Vegan Is A Farce plus AAA Study Reveals More Car Accidents in Mature Driver Due to Polypharmacy :: Dr. Jeff Golini, PhD - If you're eating vegan because you feel sorry for animals you may want to avoid this show. Or be prepared to have to evaluate why you ignore the undeniable facts of conventional and organic farming. PLUS Thanks to Alisa for sending this information. Most adults over 50 are on an average of 7 pharmaceutical drugs. The rate of car accidents and fatalities related to those accidents in mature drivers has been on a steady rise. It turns out polypharmacy is playing a role in this phenomenon. And it's not going to get better any time soon. ::"