SHR # 2258 :: Pharmaceutical Drugs Found in Over 700 Dietary Supplements plus Margin Shaving: Do Supplement Companies Profit From Buyer Comp

Published: Oct. 19, 2018, 5 a.m.

b"SHR # 2258 :: Pharmaceutical Drugs Found in Over 700 Dietary Supplements plus Margin Shaving: Do Supplement Companies Profit From Buyer Complacency:: Anthony Roberts - A new study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association discovered some 776 dietary supplements that contained at least one pharmaceutical ingredient that was not listed on the label. While the headline was getting lots of attention once you dig deeper some very surprising information becomes very apparent. PLUS Many of us read articles showing dietary supplement that fail their label claims. But a less noticed more insidious strategy is being used by many supplement manufacturers that they hope you'll overlook. And its adding millions of dollars of profits to their bottom lines. ::"