SHR # 2244 :: SFH: Study Finds Long Term Keto Diet May Cause Pancreatic Failure plus Study Finds TRT Improves Mortality in T2D Men ::

Published: Sept. 19, 2018, 5 a.m.

b"SHR # 2244 :: SFH: Study Finds Long Term Keto Diet May Cause Pancreatic Failure plus Study Finds TRT Improves Mortality in T2D Men :: Dr. Jeff Golini, PhD - Adam Lamb - It's been well established that long term low-carb high-fat diets cause peripheral insulin resistance. Now comes some evidence that if this occurs long term the infiltration of fat in muscle and the liver may herald demands on the pancreas that can cause it to fail in producing insulin. PLUS A recent study looked at the effects of putting men with Type 2 Diabetes on Testosterone therapy. The results were very promising and should cause all physicians to consider the outcome for their patients. ::"