SHR # 2229 :: SFH: Chemicals Found in Vegetables Prevent Colon Cancer plus Scientism: The Truth Is Out There ::

Published: Aug. 15, 2018, 5 a.m.

b"SHR # 2229 :: SFH: Chemicals Found in Vegetables Prevent Colon Cancer plus Scientism: The Truth Is Out There :: Dr. Jeff Golini, PhD - Joel Greene - A plant based diet doesn't mean devoid of animal protein, but it does mean you should be eating a lot more veggies than most people eat. Now we know that we need to eat more veggies if we want to ward off colon cancer. PLUS You can find science to support just about any position - for or against. How do you choose which science to pay attention to and which to discount? Science has been co-opted. PLUS Is the answer to a long disease-free life turning off the immune system? ::"