Leveraging Metabolic Autophagy to Improve Muscle Gains and Longevity

Published: July 29, 2019, 5 a.m.

b"SHR # 2381 :: Leveraging Metabolic Autophagy to Improve Muscle Gains and Longevity - Siim Land - Fasting has a variety of health and longevity benefits. Athletes think fasting will shut down protein synthesis and stall gains. Is this true? Other zealots may fast too often and for too long. What is optimal if you want both health benefits and gains in the gym? PLUS If you're already a big fan of Intermittent Fasting .. 10 Things You'll Wish You Knew About Intermittent Fasting Sooner. NOTE we weren't ab;e top get into all 10 but you can see them on Siim's Youtube channel youtube.com/siimland and get his free book at siimland.com ."