Keto Desserts: It is Not Just About Fat and Fasting

Published: May 20, 2019, 5 a.m.

b'SHR # 2350 :: Keto Desserts: It is Not Just About Fat and Fasting : James Baum and Tanya - Stallworth - The Keto desert is mainstream today. Even companies like Jenny Craig advertise their meals are "Keto Friendly". The one area of Keto that\'s hard to fill is desserts. Especially baked goods. A free delicious and simple-to-make keto dessert recipe you an make at home will be given during the show. Due to technical difficulties we are printing the recipe here. Keto Chocolate Mousse: 1 cup Organic Heavy cream, 1 tbs Organic cocoa powder, Organic Monk fruit sweetener to taste. Whip together until fluffy. Store in fridge or store in freezer for thicker ice-cream-like texture.'