Higher Protein Intake Doesn't Build More Muscle In Mid-aged Newbies plus Are You Shooting In The Dark

Published: Sept. 1, 2021, 5 a.m.

b'SHR # 2761:: Higher Protein Intake Doesn\'t Build More Muscle In Mid-aged Newbies plus Are You Shooting In The Dark - Colleen McKenna, MS, RD - Dr. Gil Blander Ph.D. - It\'s often said that newbies in the gym see the greatest results. So its stands to reason that over-feeding them protein in the amounts we see in seasoned trainees would just make those gains come faster. Think again. PLUS Would you put gas in your car without looking to see if you really need gas? No. That\'s why you have a gas gauge on your dashboard. Unfortunately you don\'t have a gauge on your forehead. So most of the dietary and supplemental steps you take may not be a good idea. Here\'s how you can find out if they are helping. Learn more about Insider Tracker at http://shrnetwork.biz/insidetracker and save 25% OFF if you want to use their services.'