High Carb Vegan VS Keto Carnivore/LCHF/Carnivore + Cooking with Shannan: Low Carb / Keto Rice Pudding

Published: Aug. 25, 2020, 5 a.m.

b'SHR # 2576 :: High Carb Vegan VS Keto Carnivore/LCHF/Carnivore + Cooking with Shannan: Low Carb / Keto Rice Pudding \\u2013 Dr. Sean Omara, MD JD \\u2013 Shannan Yorton Penna \\u2013 Ron Penna - \\u201cOh you won\\u2019t find any Visceral Fat in me I have been Vegan over 25 years\\u201d. Is this true? VAT is an indicator of declining health and the potential for disease. Vegan\\u2019s eat what they consider a \\u201cclean healthy
diet\\u201d. Many turn to the vegan diet to ward off heart disease stating it lowers cholesterol. But VAT is a bigger indicator of the potential for metabolic derangement that leads to heart disease. We discuss the
effects of a strict vegan diet as compared to a low-carb high-fat diet that includes lots of animal protein. http://medconwellness.com PLUS Making foods, especially deserts, low carb and still taste good is an
art. Many things can help replace the taste of sugar, but what about the mouth-feel that carbohydrates and fats contribute to the experience? No one does this better than Shannan! You\\u2019re gonna love this rice pudding alternative! And her tips and tricks to making healthy foods taste better. Shannan\'s Rice Pudding recipe>> https://www.instagram.com/p/B4GtDfZH0e3/?igshid=75vj62bofyyt'