Happy Healthy Hormones: How To Thrive In Menopause + How Carl Knows So Much About Menopause

Published: Sept. 4, 2020, 5 a.m.

b'SHR # 2582 :: Happy Healthy Hormones: How To Thrive In Menopause + How Carl Knows So Much About Menopause - Dr. Daved Rosensweet, MD - Menopause derails the lives of many women. I\\u2019ve often said that if men went through menopause physicians would take it much more seriously. Most women are told \\u201cit\\u2019s normal\\u201d to suffer hot flushes, night sweats, sleeplessness, debilitating anxiety, depression, rapid onset cognitive decline, and much more. Not to mention the weight gain! They become zombies unrecognizable to themselves and their families. More and more physicians are now understanding that it\\u2019s \\u201cnot normal\\u201d and women shouldn\\u2019t be told to just tough it out. My guest today has dedicated his career to not only helping women but training physicians and nurse practitioners in how to help women get back to feeling and being themselves again and thriving. Get Dr. Rosensweet\'s book Happy Healthy Hormones: How To Thrive In Menopause HERE>>> http://shrnetwork.biz/happyhealthyhormones . PLUS Carl discusses an experience he had back in 2002 that qualifies him to talk about menopause first hand.'