From Causes of Aging to Death from COVID-19 plus Is This Why Men Die Sooner Than Women

Published: Aug. 31, 2020, 5 a.m.

b'SHR # 2579 :: From Causes of Aging to Death from COVID-19 plus Is This Why Men Die Sooner Than Women - Dr. Mikhail Blagosklonny, MD PhD - COVID-19 is not deadly early in life, but mortality increases exponentially with age, which is the strongest predictor of mortality. Mortality is higher in men than in women, because men age faster, and it is especially high in patients with age-related diseases, such as diabetes and hypertension, because these diseases are manifestations of aging and a measure of biological age. At its deepest level, aging (a program-like continuation of developmental growth) is driven by inappropriately high cellular functioning. The hyperfunction theory of quasi-programmed aging explains why COVID-19 vulnerability (lethality) is an age-dependent syndrome, linking it to other age-related diseases. It also explains inflammaging and immunosenescence, hyperinflammation, hyperthrombosis, and cytokine storms, all of which are associated with COVID-19 vulnerability. Anti-aging interventions, such as rapamycin, may slow aging and age-related diseases, potentially decreasing COVID-19 vulnerability. PLUS My theory on why men are effected by disease states and die younger than woman. And it\\u2019s so simple you\\u2019ll dismiss it immediately. Dr. Blagosklonny is editor-in-chief of the journals Aging, Cell Cycle, and Oncotarget. In addition, he is associate editor of the journals Cancer Biology and Therapy and a member of the editorial board of Cell Death and Differentiation. PLUS My theory on why men are effected by disease states and die younger than woman. And it\\u2019s so simple you\\u2019ll dismiss it immediately. From causes of aging to death from COVID-19 . mTOR and Testosterone -'