Courageous Medicine: Saving a 104 Year Old Womans Life

Published: April 26, 2019, 5 a.m.

b"SHR # 2341 :: Courageous Medicine: Saving a 104 Year Old Woman\\u2019s Life - Dr. George Touliatos - Modern medicine is rarely bold. Hampered by the threat of litigation, physicians stick to the standards of care and play it safe. The patient suffers from the tunnel vision. But what happens when you're the physician trying to save your most loved relative? If you're courageous, you do what Dr. Touliatos did. Don't confuse this with being reckless either. Many physicians know they an help a patient, but don't because they'll be questioned for stepping out of their lane. Maybe even lose their license to practice medicine. But love makes people do things not in their own best interest."