Beyond Biological Age Assessment

Published: April 15, 2020, 5 a.m.

b'SHR # 2503 :: Beyond Biological Age Assessment - Dr. William Seeds, MD and Dr. Daniel El\\xedas Mart\\xedn Herranz - So you have bought into the new biological age assessment testing movement. While you\\u2019re chronological age is 53 your biological age is 67. Yikes! Ok now you know. SO what do you do? What do you change? Should you give up red meat? How about that glass of red wine that\\u2019s supposed to be good for you? Is it really good for YOU? If we\\u2019ve learned anything over the past decade about nutrition, it\\u2019s very individual. Your microbiome is like a fingerprint. No two are alike. This means when someone says \\u201cyou should eat more vegetables and fiber, fiber is good for you\\u201d they may be wrong. It may not effect you the same way it effects that well-meaning person. In fact anyone who tells you "this is the way you should eat" is automatically wrong! The game has changed. What\\u2019s good for you is what\\u2019s good for YOU. So what are you doing now that will have the greatest effect on reversing your biological age? Now there\\u2019s a way to know.'