Sup-Sapporo: Dosanko Life - Autumn is Coming

Published: Sept. 16, 2020, 9:45 a.m.

In this episode (Ep. 16) - Autumn is Coming, we keep things short and simple. Chad talks about an online drinking party that he had with friends in Hawaii and getting shit faced. Jamie and Chad discuss whether or not shitting and pissing yourself while piss drunk is an excusable offense. Jamie talks about being stopped by police for riding his bicycle, his encounters with Japanese police officers and how they are everything but intimidating. Then we start to delve into Kaiten Sushi and some Japanese food again. Soon after, we start our new segment, News in Japan! News in Japan is basically a news article that we each choose and share with you guys! This week, it's Haunted Toilets and Pissing Animal Capsule Toys! After going through everything, we get into our main topic which is Autumn season in Hokkaido. We talk about food, hot springs and food being sold in vehicles.