Episode #203 - SUNDAY WIRE: 'The Dotard Effect' with guests Mike Robinson, Basil Valentine

Published: Sept. 24, 2017, 3:54 p.m.

Alternate Current Radio Presents: SUNDAY WIRE

This week the SUNDAY WIRE is broadcasting LIVE from Southwest England with host Patrick Henningsen joined in studio by Mike Robinson editor of the UK Column, covering the biggest international stories this week. In the first hour, we'll cover the North Korea Crisis and Trump's debacle at the UN General Assembly, and B-1 bomber nuke flyer over, America's increasingly childish Russiaphobia rabbit hole, and the Valerie Plame 'Antisemitic' controversy. What are the chances for diplomacy? We'll also "unpack" (excuse our use of dumbed-down American pseudo-intellectual slang) the #BREXIT deception, as the smoke and mirrors in Westminster continues, and why Britain will remain in the EU after all the theatrics have passed, and the Kurdish Referendum too and what it means, also with US and its SDF proxies in Syria caught aiding and abetting ISIS again. In the final hour, we may try and connect with SUNDAY WIRE roving correspondent for Culture & Sport, Basil Valentine, for this week's most shocking stories in internationally, including the bizarre 'Tory Glastonbury'. Enjoy the show...