15: OUT (In and Out, Out of the Furnace and Inside Out)

Published: Jan. 26, 2017, 11:46 a.m.

The Triple Bill Title Word for Episode 015 is OUT and we scratched our heads at the 1997 "coming out" comedy In and Out, watched Christian Bale exact a slow-paced revenge in Out of the Furnace and sat through our first animated feature with Pixar's emotional journey Inside Out (2015).

0:57 - Ben and Daryl’s catch up (Patriots Day, Bates Motel, La La Land, Silence, Moonlight, 13th, Amanda Knox, Assassin’s Creed, Video Game Movies, The Terminator Franchise)

17:38 - In and Out

45:48 - Out of the Furnace

1:10:15 - Inside Out

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Episode 016 - PARTY launches on 9th February and we'll be covering House Party (1990), Murder Party (2007) and Sausage Party (2016).