Subject:CINEMA MICRO Focus #8 - "The Rocky Horror Picture Show"

Published: Feb. 22, 2012, 5:53 p.m.

Welcome to Subject:CINEMA MICRO Focus! Each week, hosts TC Kirkham and Kim Brown will take on a single film and analyze it front to back, side to side, and everything in-between!

THIS WEEK: We delve into cult classics for the first time, with one of Kim's favorites...and one whose cult really confounds TC...TC admittedly is a virgin of actually having seen it at the theater, but he's seen it on video several times and while he likes the movie itself, the fandom surrounding "THE ROCKY HORROR PICTURE SHOW" completely astonishes him. No hate mail, please...:-)

SCMF is part of the Popcorn N Roses family of shows, which includes our parent show, Subject:CINEMA, available every weekend at and (and don’t worry, they go to the same site….)

We hope you’ll be back every week – don’t forget to subscribe to SC MICRO Focus and listen every week, a new show will be up every Wednesday evening!