Published: Jan. 4, 2012, 6:14 p.m.

Here's a special sneak peek at our NEW SHOW - Subject:CINEMA MICRO Focus! Each week, hosts TC Kirkham and Kim Brown will take on a single film and analyze it front to back, side to side, and everything in-between!

THIS WEEK: TC and Kim take on THE film - the movie that has been most often cited by movie critics and scholars as the greatest American film ever made - Orson Welles' "CITIZEN KANE"!

SCMF is part of the Popcorn N Roses family of shows, which includes our parent show, Subject:CINEMA, available every weekend at and (and don't worry, they go to the same site....)

We hope you'll be back every week - don't forget to subscribe to SC MICRO Focus and listen every week, a new show will be up every Wednesday evening!