All growth is good growth + Allan Branch interview

Published: July 14, 2020, 4 p.m.

This week, hosts Phil Eich, Ryan Short and Jeff Siegler discuss the theory of "all growth is good growth" and how this failed municipal strategy has destroyed the countryside while also wrecking cities. We get into the weeds on how a city can grow and still preserve its character and foster pride. You can check out the episode HERE. All previous episodes of the Pod Places Podcast are available on Apple and Spotify.

This episode also features a bonus interview with Allan Branch. Allan started his career in software development, but sold his company in pursuit of more meaningful work. He turned his eye towards his hometown of Panama City, FL and renovated an empty downtown warehouse for his family's new home. Most recently, Allan opened History Class Brewing. In one project, he renovated a blighted building, introduced a much needed business to downtown, added a social spot, and is highlighting his communities history.