54. Let's go to London for the Olympic Games - Audio

Published: June 8, 2012, 8 a.m.

b'K - Hello, my name\\u201bs Kate. I\\u2019\\u201bm English. Nice to meet you !\\nM - Hi, I\\u2019\\u201bm Matthew, I come from Los Angeles. Nice to meet you, too !\\nK - Let\\u2019\\u201bs go to the stadium ! Hey, taxi !\\nM - Is that Buckingham Palace ?\\nK - Yes it is. The Queen lives here ! And she is in !\\nM - How do you know ?\\u2028K - Because the Royal Standard is flying !\\nM - Now Big Ben and the Houses of Parliament ! That\\u201bs beautiful !\\nK - Here is St Paul\\u201bs Cathedral.\\u2028M - I can see the Tower of London too. What about the ravens ?\\u2028K - There are 7 living there !'