2. La conduite de classe (Enseignant) - Audio

Published: Jan. 29, 2007, 11 a.m.

b"La conduite de classe - consignes en anglais.\\n\\nPage 29 du document d'accompagnement des programmes :\\nAnglais cycle des approfondissements (cycle 3)\\n\\nhttp://www.cndp.fr/archivage/valid/84809/84809-13528-17131.pdf\\n\\nRituels d\\u2019entre\\u0301e et de sortie de classe\\nCome in! ; Go in! ; Go out!\\nStand in line. ; Stand two by two.\\nLet\\u2019s go now.\\nTake off your coat. ; Take off your slippers. ; Take off your shoes.\\nPut on your coat. Put on your slippers. ; Put on your shoes.\\nTime for break! ; Off you go!\\n\\nAppel\\nLet\\u2019s call the roll.\\nWho\\u2019s missing today?\\nPoor one, he\\u2019s sick. ; Poor one, she\\u2019s sick\\n\\nMouvements de classe\\nStand up. ; Sit down. ; Turn around.\\nCome here, please!\\nGo over there!\\nCome to the board.\\nGo back to your seat.\\nForm a circle. ; Sit in a circle.\\nTwo by two. ; Make pairs.\\nGo next to X.\\n\\nGestion de la classe\\nListen carefully. ; Look at me.\\nBe quiet! ; Silence! ; Stand still!\\nSpeak up! ; Speak louder! ; Speak lower!\\nStop messing around! ; Stop playing the fool!\\nHurry up!\\nRepeat, please (all together/in turn/one after the other/just you/just the boys/just the girls).\\nDo it again. ; Have another go. ; Have another try.\\nAttention please! ; Be careful!\\nReady?\\nPut up your hand.\\nWrite it on the board.\\nRub it off. ; Clean it up. ; Sweep it off.\\nDraw the curtains.\\nImagine you are.../Play the part of...\\nOne at a time! ; Now it\\u2019s your turn! ; Now you!\\nQuestion!\\nAnswer! Point to/Show me...\\nTouch..\\n\\nTick/Cross/Circle/Colour/Glue/Stick/Draw/Underline...\\nTake a brush and paint...\\nTake your exercise book. ; Open your exercise book. ; Shut your exercise book. ; Close your exercise book.\\nTake your activity book. ; Open your activity book. ; Shut your activity book. ; Close your activity book.\\nTake your pair of scissors and cut off...\\nTake out a pen. ; Take out a pencil. ; Take out an eraser. ; Take out a ruler.\\nThrow the dice.\\nClap your hands!\\nStamp your feet!\\nClick your fingers!\\nNod!"