18. Mon pays : le Canada (Niveau 4 et 5) - Audio

Published: April 14, 2008, 10 a.m.

b'CANADA\\n\\nDans cet \\xe9pisode Smaranda nous parle de son pays, de sa ville natale, du temps qu\\u2019il fait en hiver et de son drapeau.\\n\\nLes principales formulations utilis\\xe9es sont les suivantes :\\nWhere do you come from?\\nI come from\\u2026\\nWhere do you live?\\nI live in\\u2026\\nIs it\\u2026? Yes, it is.\\nWhat about\\u2026?\\nHere is\\u2026\\n\\nLe lexique concerne :\\nLe pays, une ville ;\\nLa localisation g\\xe9ographique ;\\nLe temps ;\\nLe drapeau , ses formes et ses couleurs.\\n\\n- Hello Smaranda, where do you come from?\\n- I come from Canada, it is in North America.\\n- Canada is a large country, where do you live in Canada?\\n- I live in Toronto. It\\u2019s a big city near the Ontario lake.\\n- Is it cold in winter in Toronto?\\n- Oh, yes it is and there is a lot of snow.\\n- And what about your flag?\\n- Here is my flag. It is red and white.\\n- Oh, it\\u2019s nice! The red leaf is beautiful!\\n- Yes, it is a maple\\u2019s leaf, we have a lot of maple trees in Canada.'