18. Mon pays : l'Australie (Niveau 4 et 5) - Audio

Published: May 5, 2008, 10 a.m.

b'AUSTRALIA\\n\\nDans cet \\xe9pisode M\\xe9lissa nous indique sa nationalit\\xe9, nous parle de son pays, du temps qu\\u2019il y fait, des animaux sauvages que l\\u2019on y trouve et de son drapeau (formes et couleurs).\\n\\nLes principales formulations utilis\\xe9es sont les suivantes :\\nAre you + adjectifs de nationalit\\xe9 ?\\nI\\u2019m + nationalit\\xe9\\nWhat\\u2019s the weather like?\\nCan you\\u2026?\\nI can see\\u2026\\nHere it is\\nIt\\u2019s \\u2026\\n\\nLe lexique concerne :\\nLe pays, une ville ;\\nLe temps ;\\nLes animaux sauvages ;\\nLe drapeau, ses formes et ses couleurs.\\n\\n- Hello Melissa, are you American?\\n- No, I\\u2019m not.\\n- Are you Canadian?\\n- No, I\\u2019m not. I\\u2019m Australian.\\n- Oh, great! Australia is so big and far away.\\n- Yes, it is. It takes twenty hours to fly from Paris to Sydney.\\n- What\\u2019s the weather like in your country?\\n- It\\u2019s hot in a large part of my country and we have a lot of animals: sharks in the sea, snakes, kangaroos everywhere, koalas, crocodiles and parrots.\\n- And can you show me your flag?\\n- Yes, of course, here it is!\\n- It is blue, red and white. I can see the Union Jack, a big star and five small stars.\\n- Thank you very much Melissa.\\n- You\\u2019re welcome.'