11. Parler de soi, parler aux autres (Niveau 5) - Audio

Published: June 25, 2007, 10 a.m.

b'Le lexique aborde\\u0301 est essentiellement celui des ve\\u0302tements et des couleurs. \\nLes structures syntaxiques pre\\u0301sente\\u0301es dans ce dialogue sont les suivantes : \\n\\n\\u2022 This is...\\n\\u2022 How are you?\\n\\u2022 I am... + ing.\\n\\u2022 What are you going to?...\\n\\u2022 I love + nom.\\n\\u2022 I will ( I\\u2019ll)...\\n\\u2022 You will ( you\\u2019ll)...\\n\\nAujourd\\u2019hui nous allons entendre un dialogue entre deux amies.\\nLors de la premie\\u0300re e\\u0301coute essaie de noter les pre\\u0301noms de ces deux amies.\\nA\\u0300 la seconde e\\u0301coute, trouve pourquoi elles se te\\u0301le\\u0301phonent.\\nEt enfin, apre\\u0300s une troisie\\u0300me e\\u0301coute, colorie les ve\\u0302tements que porte chacune d\\u2019en- tre elles et e\\u0301cris leur pre\\u0301nom en dessous.\\n\\nBirthday\\nLevel 5\\n\\nNext week it is Jenny\\u2019s birthday. She will be ten years old. She sent me an invitation to her party on Saturday with her phone number on it. I am going to call her to tell her that I am coming. Her phone number is 01963468490.\\n\\u2013 Hello!\\n\\u2013 Hi! This is Sarah.\\n\\u2013 Oh, Sarah, how are you?\\n\\u2013 Fine, thank you. I\\u2019m just calling to let you know that I can come to your birthday party next Saturday.\\n\\u2013 Oh! Great!\\n\\u2013 What are you going to wear?\\n\\u2013 I am going to wear a red skirt, a purple tee-shirt, blue socks and pink shoes.\\n\\u2013 Ok, then I\\u2019ll wear my green dress with my yellow socks and black boots.\\n\\u2013 Oh! I love your black boots, you\\u2019ll look so cool!\\n\\u2013Thank you. Well, I\\u2019ll see you on Saturday.\\n\\u2013 Ok. Bye!'