10. Parler de soi, parler aux autres (Niveau 5) - Audio

Published: June 4, 2007, 10 a.m.

b'Vous trouverez dans cet \\xe9pisode un \\xe9change entre deux personnes.\\nLe th\\xe8me abord\\xe9 dans ce dialogue est le sport .\\n\\nLes structures syntaxiques pr\\xe9sent\\xe9es sont les suivantes :\\n- Can you\\u2026?\\n- Yes, I can.\\n- No, I can\\u2019t.\\n- I can\\u2026\\n- I don\\u2019t know how to\\u2026\\n\\nToday, we\\u2019re going to learn how to say what we can do and what we can\\u2019t do.\\nLevel 5\\n\\n\\u2013 Hello, I\\u2019m Jenny, I live near the sea and I can swim like a fish. And you, Sarah, can you swim?\\n\\u2013 Yes, I can, and I can surf (Yes, I can swim and I can surf).\\n\\u2013 Oh, great. I don\\u2019t know how to surf. My favourite sport is football. Can you play football?\\n\\u2013 No, I can\\u2019t. I prefer basket ball because I like to jump. \\u2013 And can you play chess?\\n\\u2013 No, I\\u2019ve forgotten how to play chess, but I can play cricket. I\\u2019m in the school team.\\n\\u2013 Oh, I can\\u2019t play cricket. I don\\u2019t understand the game!\\n\\nNow it\\u2019s your turn, you can speak with your friend about your favourite sport and about what you can or what you can\\u2019t do.'