Essential Geopolitics: The Global Economic Effects of COVID-19

Published: Aug. 27, 2020, 4:51 p.m.

In this special edition of the Essential Geopolitics podcast from Stratfor, a RANE company, a conversation about the multi-layered economic impacts of COVID-19. There’s little doubt that the global coronavirus pandemic has impacted all aspects of life - from education, economies, markets, governments, societies, to geopolitics, and of course, health. bout the global economic impacts of the coronavirus.

As it has spread, the coronavirus has left industries stuttering in its wake, markets fluctuating widely but - as yet - it’s unclear what when things will recover - or how. In this podcast, Emily Donahue speaks with Michael Monderer, Stratfor’s Senior analyst for global economics and Emily Hawthorne, Stratfor’s Middle East and North Africa analyst. To read all Stratfor security and geopolitical articles and subscribe at a special rate for podcast listeners visit: